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HUM MARDON !!! ka hoga !! these women ... oooooffffffffffff
When the morning sun comes down
The world seems to turn around .......mama
when the morning sun comes down
the world seems to turn around... .. mama
Hullo !! well today the day seems just right to write…. Wow…it rhymed..JUST RIGHT TO WRITE…
What ever.. I have had an amazing funloving superb weekend…
Well as per the agenda
Since my dear friend BUA had just come back from mumbai after her month long visit to her sister.We missed her big time so wanted to spend some real good quality time together…
Well, on the last Friday we had a solid talk ANIL , bua and me... we were up talking till 3:00 am untill i said BASS KARO I HAVE TO SLEEP you NOCTURNAL ANIMALS !!! grrrrr...grrrr
The next morning every thing went on smooth i got a shave done and was looking GOOOOD ... and in no time it was already 12:00 and we were planning to meet up at 12:45. MANOJ ANNA was there on time.. and i was ready too
we zipped in MANOJ anna's SANTRO ZIP DRIVE..met up with the GOOD LOOKING GANG !!
in no time were watching the not so interesting movie... well i say that because i didnot see it properly- ANIL DID NOT LIKE IT BECAUSE HE COULD NOT UNDERSTAND HEAD OR TAIL ABOUT THE HARYANAVI HINDI THAT THEY SPOKE IN THE MOVIE... ARRE CHODO YAR USSE HINDI SEEDHI NAHI SAMJHI JAATI HARYANAVI KYA SAMJHTA... any ways in the first ten min of the movie i get a call...
caller: vicky..why aren;t you replying to my msgs
VICKY: QUITE... ssshhhhh
caller: vicky... i have been calling and why haven;t you been picking up my calls
caller: ok vicky, i just wanted to trell you cookie is coming any time...
i was happy to hear the lovely news but could not express my happiness because of the callers presence.
well i waited till mom called up and then i rushed back home in a RICKSHAW...oh yeah AN AUTO RICK....
I reached home to look at this lean, tall and skinny fella COOKS... .. looking as handpump….ooooopss…did I say hand pump… nah !! handsome as ever.. MY BRO cookie... .
We were both generally happy when I said..the whole gang is in I MAX…chalna..hai kya..!! and he said…CHALO BHEEDU….
And that was it… out came the car…. And out were we…
Reached the theatre and managed to sneak cooks in …
Well by the time we reached the movie was almost over… cooks met everyone.. only to meet them again in the evening… YO !! WE WERE ALL GOING TO THE RSI for DANDIYA………..YEAH ALL OF US…… the whole idea was bringing excitement…yippee….. anil, bua, amta, sonu, vanya, cookie.. and me,,,,,,,FULL MAZZA
All that happened… then we all promised each other that we will meet at my place at DOT 7:30 PM. Promises were made, hearts were crossed and swears were sworn to DIE IF THEY DID NOT MAKE IT ON TIME……….
Well then I had this amazing chance of dropping FIVE HEAVY WEIGHT BEAUTIES home (sonu excluded ).After a long BYE BYE session I made my way back home.. .
Then the sun set and stars started to come out of their hiding places.. the chillwas setting in….. and the weather was getting ROMANTIC…….
Parents and cookie left for RSI around 7:15 pm nad I was supposed to be following them in 15 min… with the JING BANG…….
I was ready ..all set with a smart chocolate brown chudidaar kurta..and waiting.. with my hair gelled, perfumed sprayed (gawd knows how many times and how many types)
Though I knew I would not be dancing.. thanks to my leg!!
I was waiting…waiting …waiting…..waiting… waiting… 7:45..no news…waiting waiting waiting…. 8:00 NO NEWS again … waiting waiting waiting…8:15….. Abolutely no news…..chalo..all I could do was waiting waiting waiting…
8:30….not a chance… so waiting waiting waiting again……. Finally around that time..a call comes.. I jumped and fell across the bed to grab the phone before it went off…. Thinking that these guys would be outside my house..
I hear this.. voice..
BUA: Vicky…..
Vicky: BUA…aaagaye tum log kya…
And that was it………..
Yahan I was feeling hungry …I was ready for an hour and these women party had just started..
Well in half and hour they came……… I was like a dormant volcano who had just become active and was about to explode….
But then…I had to eat up my anger when I saw all of them looking fantabulously beautiful…I said..kya fayada..gussa hokkar.. yehi log toh hain……
So all of us adjusted our backsides in anils car…… four beautifully pretty girls ,anil who was looking amazing in his orange kurta and I super good as usual (he he he) in the front…just when we sat it started raining…drizzling
All of us were hungry so we stopped at a PIZZA joint called the PIZZA DEN and had pizzas…thinking that the party would not start with out us…
It was only when I started getting frantic calls from my bro and mom as to where we were and whether wewere coming or not.that werealised that the dandiya has started and we must rush…….
So we zipped--NOT THE ZIP ZIPPED but the DRIVE ZIPPED !!! he he he you dirty minds..… in fact anil zipped the car through woods and deserts…. And we reached RSI………….. well enroute the music was full blast and the drive was ooooooooooooooooo…all with OOMPH !! the cool breeze, good music and the good company what else would one want………
We reached RSI and then I got myself a chair and sat while the girls and anil went on to hit the dance floor with vengeance… oh the girls were looking nice and had their hair let down… I was so happy that they all were enjoying themselves………
In between I would exchange a glance or two with one of them..dancing and they would call me on to the dance floor… and I would thank them and say no…
And they would resume theie JHATKAs and MATKAs.
Then in one of the glances BUA hinted to me to come up and sit on the dance floor….. he he he he he.. and in seconds I was there.. sitting near to where my band of girls with anil the hero were dancing….
I was enjoying watching them and the others dancing.. but let me tell you these guys were the best…… I was looking at anil.. poor chap was trying his desperate attempt to match up with the girls gang but just couldn’t.. ha ha ha ha ha… I saw him.. and then he would complain… THESE GIRLS PRACTICE AT HOME AND COME…….
Well the numbers were good and everyone was dancing,…I was dancing too but on the chair.. he he he..
Soon the party came to an end and the DJ announced the last song ……. I couldnot hold my self back anymore.. I got up and went to where these guys were…and shook some BOOTY …shake shake… with my broken leg. !!
No sooner I got in my spirits the music died and the lights were switched on…… and we were ready to route back…it was barely 11:30..
We thought.. we can go the club for another round of dandiya.. so we reached the club…
Phone calls were made to big ppl in the club who could manage a few passes and msgs were sent.. well all of it was in vain.. because by the time we could enter we saw the GOOD LOOKING CROWD COMING OUT…. The crowd was full of backlesses….. skin showing….. extravagant…gaudy…. Attire donning females and males…
Some drunk some on the verge of getting drunk……
I remember AMTA varenya and i were standing and waiting for AMUL THE AMRUTHA.. we waited... while the girls waited i was busy watching the other girls present there... he he he he
so we picked up some softdrinks and went to my place....
The moment we reached home.. THE SIREN BLEW and suddenly there was an urgent need for everyone to visit the loo... toh sab...EK EK EK EK EK EK ,,,kar ke SUSU..karne gaye ha ha ha hah. MISS SUSUs... ha ha ha ha oh gawd...
well all the ladies went in turn by turn.. and after the flooding session everyone unanimously decided to go out for a walk.
Then we got down and i led the team for a walk around our campus……. Nice was the walk….. Light cool breeze, good friends, and an amazing time… We were walking when suddenly we realized a black dog following us and that scared AMUL THE AMRUTHA to death..and on top of it… vaibhav scared her.. and she screamed on the top of her voice… I am sure the ppl around that place must ve thought that there is some thing… wrong..!! MAN what a scream it was.. typical… those EK LADKI AUR ANDHERA AND EK LADKA TYPE screechy scream… Well that was over after I gave a BIG BHAIYA SCOLDING TO HIM……. Then we came home and sat for barely ten min ..when AMTA sounded her alarm.. for going back.. I did not want them to go though.. but being those understanding types ( he he he he J) I did not say anything… So anil bua and the girls went only for bua and anil to come back. By that time.. I had made our bed in the drawing room.. set up pillows had a wash… brushed my teeth and sat there waiting for them … and started reading a book… MARELY AND ME …. In some time I heard the DHUB-DHABH of the car doors and knew that they were back…and in no time they were cozily comfortable in the bed made by me.. And then we started talking about things happening in out respective little lives…… Anil though quite a listener did not say anthing…actually he can’t speak hindi well na !!! ha ha ha ha ha ha poor chap… Well..we spoke and spoke till 4:00 in the momring.. in between I had dosed off to sleep, when I got up I realized that I had been sleeping for quite some time… Bua and anil were all set to leave… Then anil asked me.. COFFEE>……… and all those who know me.. I cant say NO to coffee…….so we went out I limped and the other two walked he he he…
We went to our place APOLLO HOSPITALS STD/ISD where you get coffee 24 hrs…..but then that chap was sleeping so we could not have coffee…we came back..
I saw them off and then jumped into bed..only to get up at 11:00 am next morning..
I HAD A LOVELY TIME … and hope your all had a good time tooo.
If ever you read it... you 'll realize how easy it is for you to say so...
Thanks for the strife and pain !! Its made me stronger.
This blog was probably meant for you, it would have had a space for you but i doubt whether it makes sense writing about you.. Read it and you 'll know... this is not for you BUT FOR MYSELF..
Just go and tell!
She came into my life while i was dancing with hearts and then ,I was gliding through sky,
She did some cute things and made those butterflies fly.
I always cared for her and wanted her to be beside me,
Always loved her and used to think what she feels for me!
I always wanted to tell her how much I cared and love her,
But just stopped before making the final stir!
But soon I realized that it’s me, who loves her and not her,
She always took me as a play; it was I who was in fuzz!
Now she is now gone; happy and content,
But whom am I kidding; It was I who went to that extent!
But soon I realized this is so close to the life,
When did I tell her I always wanted her to be my life!
I loved her with my whole heart feeling every single pain she had,
But when did I go and tell her about the feeling that I had?
I loved her and felt the pain she had,
But when did I tell her the feeling that I had?
With this question intriguing me in my life,
Now I learnt to get over this mental strife!
It made me realize that one has to just go and tell,
I was so madly in love with you…..