soooooooooooooooooo...................... i drove out of office... a long long drive for it took me almost an hour and a half to reach a place called "SATYA SAI NIGAMAGAMAM (well that was quite a t oungue twister... i bet you can't say it five times in a row...) well that apart... acutally i was on my way to help MY friend anil with the AUDIENCE for his magic show.. i thought no one would turn up but to my surprise i found atleast a thousand(divided by 10) people sitting on their big bums waiting for him to start the magic show... i was the "hundred and oneth" person sitting there awaiting the MEGA ARRIVAL of" Anil the magica" ... wel lthat is how every one in college knew him.. he was either called JADUGAR SAHAB or MAGICA... i preferred call ing him MAGICA> the wait must've been for say..... mmmmmmmmmmmm 45 min and still no sign of the GREAT.... only to realise finally that it had been cancelled and the BIG BUMS of the people sitting there were only aching..
I could not have stayed for a long time.. coz..
1. I didnot know any one
2. i was dying to meet AUNTY MALATHI, BUNNINDER AND REVA....( ooooooppps the BUNNIDER here refers to the smartest girl floating around in town.. BUNNY and who happens to have one of the smartest names that i have everu come across for a girl.. PRITHVI. aint it SUPPA !!! )
well i made my way through the dirty, horrendous traffic towards my second home where is had planned to have spend the night. i reached my final destitnation for the night... HOME SWEET HOME when i saw this shadow running towards me... for a second i was like............ alright if you are coming for me... BRING IT ON>.. i 'll take you.. types...
the shadow was on the trot... (well it was not a horse...) it was a human shadow..!!!!! suddenly the shadow stopped near the window and then there was this face " only to my relief i saw the very NOT SO FAMILIAR FACE OF SAAAMBAIYA.... MALATHI aunty's watchman. he greeted me while he opened the gate for me to enter into the parking place to which i merrily responded by waving my hand and saying.. NAMASTE SAAMBAIYAAA... and th en i n a fit he spurted out a volley of sentences... in telegu to which i could absolutely not answer coz he was simply too fast. well i tried saying something to him in telegu
before i dashed towards the stairs with my LIMPY LEG. well i think i should start calling my right leg limpu rather than MY RIGHT LEG......!!!
Stupid things apart... i went up to see... a few very familiar faces VASSU ATTA (not he ATTA as in FLOUR...but ATTA as in AUNT in telegu) Aditi,KASH the YUP, BUUNY AND AUNTY MALATI.
In no time i made myself SUPER COMFY by removing my shoes and getting myself a place in the couch. A few words were exchanged and then the siren rang and VASSU aunty had to leave with the kids.... so here we were THREE of us.. waiting for the fourth one (REVA) to join us. In the mean while aunty Malathi had a few guests over with whom she got busy.
well then we sat talk ing.... talking talking...
Then there was a little chaos ... then..we saw reva jumping in ...
we ate dinner then and started talking again...
We hit the bed .... and got up inthe morning..
The morning was bright and nice..
i took the car and drove back home...